All Blogs | Lisa Bartel-Dispensa, MS, RD

All Blogs | Lisa Bartel-Dispensa, MS, RD

Lisa Bartel-Dispensa, MS, RD

Lisa Dispensa is a Wellness Leader and Registered Dietitian specializing in driving nutrition sciences innovation for consumer health and well-being. Lisa has over 20 years of industry and acute-care experience, starting her career as a clinical dietitian and later, specializing in Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support. Today, Lisa is the Medical Director at UpSpring, leading new product development supporting nutrition needs of women and children, with a focus on pregnancy, lactation, and infancy. Her affiliations include Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society for Nutrition, and International LifeSciences Institute. Learn more about Lisa on LinkedIn.

Milkflow Fenugreek Lactation Smoothie Recipes

Lisa Dispensa

As temperatures rise this summer, are you looking for refreshing ways to boost your breast milk supply? If so, UpSpring’s got you covered with two delicious and easy Milkflow Lactation...

Ways to Boost Breastmilk Supply: Milkflow Lacta...

Lisa Dispensa

Breastfeeding and increasing breastmilk supply can seem like a daunting task. How do you know if you're making enough milk? Are you looking for ways to make more breast milk?...

Tips For Staying Hydrated While Breastfeeding

Lisa Dispensa

Breastfeeding is full of precious bonding moments, nutrients that are perfect for your baby, and much more. While there are so many benefits to breastfeeding, there are also many challenges,...

Solutions to 6 Common Breastfeeding Issues

Lisa Dispensa

As a new mom, you quickly learn that motherhood is a journey that starts the second you see those two lines appear on a stick, and for some moms, it...

Supporting Your Milk Flow: Fenugreek-Free Optio...

Lisa Dispensa

When a mother is breastfeeding, her milk supply can sometimes decrease due to stress, restlessness, fatigue, or a variety of other concerning factors. While some new moms hail fenugreek as...

Worried About Your Milk Supply? Here's What You...

Lisa Dispensa

Breastfeeding can be stressful for new mothers, especially if you're worried about producing sufficient breast milk to keep the newborn happy and healthy. While bottle-feeding allows you to see how...