Tips For Staying Hydrated While Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is full of precious bonding moments, nutrients that are perfect for your baby, and much more. While there are so many benefits to breastfeeding, there are also many challenges, one of which is hydration.
Why is it so hard to stay hydrated during breastfeeding?
The average person generally requires eight 8-oz glasses of water daily or 64oz. But a breastfeeding mother is encouraged to almost double these numbers.
That brings it to 13 to 16 - 8oz glasses of water daily, or up to about 100oz! Holy H2O! That is a lot of liquid intake to manage on top of a nursing baby! No wonder moms are so mighty.
Amidst the diaper changes, feedings, and lack of sleep, we have to consume up to 100oz of hydrating liquids and foods PER DAY!
What Is Considered A Hydrating Liquid?
- Water
- milk (of all kinds)
- coffee and tea (decaf to limit caffeine intake)
- Juices of all kind (the lower the sugar content, the better)
- Fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, watermelon, oranges
- Soups
Why Does Staying Hydrated While Breastfeeding Matter?
Considering that breast milk is around 90% water, a hydration is needed to produce milk and replace what is being lost during breastfeeding. .
This is also important to help keep up with your baby's demands. So, does more water equal more milk? Not necessarily.
It's important to note that exceeding the recommended daily ounces does not give you an extra supply.
Thirst Is Your Body's Cue To Replenish What Is Lost
The oxytocin released during breastfeeding will trigger this cue. If you are feeling very thirsty, odds are you are already depleted and on the road to dehydration.
You may need to drink more than the recommended amount if you live in a hot climate, are nursing more than one child, exercise frequently, or have signs of dehydration.
Signs Of Dehydration
Here are a few signs of dehydration in Mama:
- Dark colored urine
- Constipation
- Decreased milk supply
- Abnormal fatigue
- Dry mouth
- Muscle cramps
- Headaches
While staying hydrated doesn't mean having more milk, dehydration can significantly reduce your supply.
A large dip in your supply could lead to dehydration in your baby since breastmilk is their main, and often only, source of hydration (if you are exclusively breastfeeding).
Signs of dehydration in baby:
- Fewer wet diapers
- Dry lips/mouth
- Excessive sleepiness
- Irritability
If you or your baby are experiencing any signs of dehydration, be sure to seek medical assistance.
The Benefits Of Staying Fully Hydrated
Other than maintaining a healthy supply for your baby, there are a lot of other benefits to staying fully hydrated, such as:
- An increase in energy (yes, please!)
- Flush out toxins (be gone, toxins!)
- Improved skin complexion (ooh la la!)
- Maintain regularity (much needed postpartum!)
- Promotes healthy weight (woohoo!)
- Promotes better moods (another PP must have!)
Now Is The Hard Part
How do you stay hydrated while breastfeeding? I am busy and tired! Here are some tips and tricks that are approved by mamas!
- Find a cup you love! Preferably with a straw. This will make it easier to both measure and consume.
- Drink when baby drinks! This is a great way to start a habit of replenishing what is lost.
- Drink 8oz with every meal.
- Find a mix-in that you love, like apple juice.