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All Blogs | Fitness Routines with Nausea: Pregnancy Safe Exercises

Fitness Routines with Nausea: Pregnancy Safe Exercises

Stepping into the realm of pregnancy is one of nature's most profound miracles. It’s a time of immense change, wonder, and, admittedly, some discomforts, such as the notorious morning sickness that accompanies many mamas on this journey. This blog post is about supporting you — the warrior mothers-to-be — who are navigating the delicate balance between caring for the new life blossoming within and honoring your own well-being. We'll explore how fitness and morning sickness can coexist, providing you with insight about how safe, gentle, and effective exercises can respect your body’s current state and help ease you through the rougher waters of early pregnancy.

How is Exercising Different in Pregnancy?

When you're expecting, your body becomes a dynamic landscape of change. As your pregnancy progresses, your growing belly isn't the only change — your cardiovascular system, metabolism, and musculoskeletal structure are all adapting in real time. Exercise during pregnancy is not about pushing limits; it’s about maintenance, gentle growth, and connection. It’s about finding movements that feel good and invigorating without straining your changing body. It's a time when the gentle rhythm of a swim or the fluid motions of a prenatal yoga sequence can be more powerful and beneficial than any high-intensity workout you may have conquered before.

The Relationship Between Working Out During Pregnancy and Morning Sickness

The phenomenon of morning sickness, with its unpredictable waves of nausea and vomiting, often leads many to believe that any form of exercise would exacerbate the discomfort. Yet, the relationship between physical activity and morning sickness is not straightforward. Engaging in a gentle fitness routine during pregnancy doesn't just have the potential to keep your body strong—it can also regulate hormonal fluctuations and improve gastrointestinal motility, which may actually help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness. The key is finding the right balance and intensity of exercise that harmonizes with your body’s needs.

Does Exercise Relieve Nausea During Pregnancy?


When navigating the choppy waters of morning sickness, the thought of exercise might be the last thing on an expectant mother's mind. Yet, surprisingly, incorporating light exercise into your routine may help tame the tumultuous tides of nausea and vomiting.

Engaging in light to moderate activities can kickstart better blood circulation and digestion, potentially easing morning sickness. Activities like prenatal yoga and brisk walking can be particularly effective. Moreover, exercise is a great regulator of blood sugar levels, which, when low, often contribute to nausea. By maintaining a consistent exercise regimen, pregnant women can keep blood sugar levels from dipping too low, possibly preventing the onset of nausea.

The psychological benefits of exercise, including the release of endorphins, can also alleviate the discomfort associated with morning sickness. These 'feel-good' hormones may help elevate mood and provide a distraction from nausea.

However, the exercise chosen should be mild and not too strenuous to avoid overheating or dehydration, which can worsen nausea. Gentle, low-impact exercises can contribute positively without the risks associated with high-intensity workouts.

Timing is crucial as well; it's generally better to exercise when nausea is less severe, which varies among individuals. A light snack before exercising might help stabilize low blood sugar levels and stave off nausea. Hydration before, during, and after exercise is also key since dehydration can exacerbate nausea.

While exercise might be a practical approach to managing morning sickness, its effectiveness varies. Some may find relief, while others may not notice a significant change. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to design an appropriate exercise plan tailored to your pregnancy's needs. With the right strategy, light exercise could be a safe way to not only maintain maternal health but also combat the discomforts of morning sickness.

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

Regular physical activity during pregnancy has a litany of benefits that go beyond the scope of alleviating morning sickness. As mentioned previously, it enhances cardiovascular health, keeps weight gain in check, and can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. It helps in maintaining a healthy posture, reducing the strain on your back as your center of gravity shifts with a growing belly. The strengthening and stretching of muscles can not only aid during labor and delivery but can also improve recovery postpartum. It's also vital in managing blood sugar levels and preventing a sudden blood pressure drop, both of which are crucial in keeping morning sickness at bay.

Staying Safe While Exercising During Pregnancy

The primary goal of prenatal exercise is to maintain fitness and well-being without compromising safety. To achieve this, it’s important to adhere to several guidelines:

  1. Moderation is Key: Start slow, especially if you weren’t very active before pregnancy, and build up gradually.
  1. Avoid Risky Movements: Exercises that involve lying on your back after the first trimester or that risk abdominal trauma should be avoided.
  1. Mind the Intensity: High-intensity workouts can be too taxing and might lead to overheating or dehydration, which is risky for both you and your baby.
  1. Monitor Heart Rate: Keeping your heart rate at a safe level ensures you don't overexert yourself.
  1. Adapt to Changes: As your pregnancy progresses, your exercise routine will need to adapt to accommodate your growing belly and changing balance.
maintain fitness and well being

Other Ways to Help with Morning Sickness

Alongside a tailored exercise program, other remedies can provide solace from the grips of morning sickness. Acupuncture and acupressure have offered relief for many women, tapping into the body’s natural energy flow to alleviate nausea. Dietary adjustments play a pivotal role as well — the strategic placement of bland, easy-to-digest snacks throughout your day can keep nausea at a minimum. Staying hydrated is essential; sometimes, the addition of a little flavor like lemon or mint can make water more palatable and refreshing. Don't underestimate the power of rest, either. Adequate sleep and the occasional nap can do wonders for your body as it works overtime to support your growing baby.

If you need convenient, on-the-go support for occasional morning sickness and nausea, keep our Stomach Settle drops on hand or stored away in your bag or purse. They’re discreet, individually wrapped, and made with lemon, ginger, Vitamin B6, and mint, in each drop to soothe discomfort and restore joy to your everyday life.

green heart

While morning sickness can be a trying aspect of pregnancy, it doesn't have to be a barrier to an active lifestyle. With care, patience, and the right approach, you can cultivate a fitness routine that not only respects your body’s current state but also enhances your overall pregnancy experience. Each woman’s pregnancy journey is unique, and thus, listening to your body and consulting with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise regime is paramount. Embrace this special time with kindness to yourself, and know that each step, each stretch, each breath you take is a part of the incredible journey of bringing new life into this world. You are strong, you are capable, and you are not alone on this path. Let fitness be a friend that walks with you, helping to steady your stride through the journey of pregnancy and beyond.